Everything comes from a dream - Kingenta International Promotion Ad

Greataction production of the Kingenta International corporate videos recently officially launched. Kim Jong-il Group will be 2017 as a "service marketing year", the starting point of all work, focus on service marketing around, all for marketing, all services in marketing. Better to provide customers with various types of support and services for users to create value for the dealer management and professional skills to provide quality support and services for users to provide crop nutrition management solutions and professional agrochemical services.
The birth of the promo is also precisely fit this point. Focusing on the performance of the Kingenta to show the service content and future strategic layout. In order to show the theme of this multi-angle, along the crew to move more than once to Linshu headquarters and Shandong Heze, Guizhou Weng'an and other bases.
Our crew members not only captured the expression of the old farmer in the field because of the harvest, but also demonstrated the modern production workshop of the Jinzhengda Guiyang factory with the towering raw material tank. The postcards showcase the advantages of Kim Jong-il's new products and new technologies, as well as typical initiatives to serve hundreds of millions of Chinese farmers, and convey to the audience the high-end image of Kim Jong-il's "world-leading provider of plant nutrition experts and planting solutions" The
Now we follow the lens, a taste of modern Chinese agriculture, science and technology dream.